5 Questions with Dorje Swallow

dorjeswallowWhat is your favourite swear word?
I actually don’t mind the odd egad! And a simple bollocks goes a long way, I find.

What are you wearing?
Right now I’m favouring the blue shorts, white linen shirt, indoor soccer shoes ensemble. I’m trying to make it a thing. I’ve been sporting it for a whole summer now, and I’m still yet to have the satisfaction of seeing a single other person walking the streets with it. Having said that, if it ever did catch on, I’d stop wearing it. I’d hate for it to become like handball and 80’s music and suddenly ironic and cool for the kids. Actually that’s it. I’m done with this whole soccer/prep/Havana Night’s theme. It’s not me anyway – who am I kidding?

What is love?
Love is a wave of euphoric bliss, between two people who brighten and lighten each other’s days, and perhaps even add a little steam to the kitchen of life. Over time, it solidifies into the closest of friendships, and the feelings of joy and support one can appreciate when two people have shared so much together, and still have so much to look forward to. In effect, it moves from the kitchen to the living area. If you ever find yourself in the lavatory, or the rumpus, you’re in trouble. And we all know what happened to the Flowers in the Attic, and Colonel Mustard in the Conservatory with the Lead Piping, so let that be a lesson to you, ye students of love!

What was the last show you saw, and how many stars do you give it?
Masterclass. Charlie Garber and Gareth Davies. Old Fitzroy. 4 and a half stars out of 5. It features a brilliant revival of the montage sequence, which I would like to see more of in the theatre, please. A very funny show. Funny ha-ha, AND funny weird, which is, in my mind, the best combination.

Is your new show going to be any good?
Three weeks into rehearsal I can safely say that I think it’s going to be rather good, to say the least. Or, to quote a few people in the rehearsal room yesterday “This isn’t shit at all!” It’s a great play, that Shakespeare chap did seem to have a vague idea what he was doing, and in the hands of my talented cohorts I think we are building quite the theatrical, sumptuous feast! Come grab a seat in a few weeks and chow-down!

Dorje Swallow can be seen in As You Like It, by Bell Shakespeare.
Show dates: 21 Feb – 28 Mar, 2015 (the show then heads to Canberra and Melbourne)
Show venue: Sydney Opera House